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Facebook integration

Post your updates to your Facebook account.

Attention: If you EVER remove the "My Movies Collection" application in Facebook, all data from this service will be automatically removed also! Please be careful, for example, when removing posts to not also remove the application, or revoke the application rights.

You must be logged in to access this page.

Login with your Facebook account on the top right of this page.


Link your Facebook and My Movies Collection accounts: Login with your Facebook account

We plan to de-activate non-Facebook accounts soon, so you need to start using your Facebook account to login to My Movies Connection ASAP.

ATENTION: After you link your Facebook account, you will ONLY be able to login that way.

2010-2024, My Movies Collection
Development: Webdados, Lda. | Hosting: ptAlojamento | Logo: Sérgio Alves | Movies data: | TV Shows data:
All the movie titles, images and all other details are responsability and have reserved rights by their owners and/or authors.