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Oblomov (1980)

St. Petersburg, mid 19th century: the indolent, middle-aged Oblomov lives in a flat with his older servant, Zakhar. He sleeps much of the day, dreaming of his childhood on his parents' estate. His boyhood companion, Stoltz, now an energetic and successful businessman, adds Oblomov to his circle whenever he's in the city, and Oblomov's life changes when Stoltz introduces him to Olga, lovely and cultured. When Stoltz leaves for several months, Oblomov takes a country house near Olga's, and she determines to change him: to turn him into a man of society, action, and culture. Soon, Olga and Oblomov are in love; but where, in the triangle, does that leave Stoltz?

Genre: Romance | Drama | Comedy

Country: Russia  

themoviedb.org: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/83446

IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079619/

Director(s) / Writer(s):

Никита Михалков
Никита Михалков


Олег Табаков
Олег Табаков
Ilya Ilyich Oblomov
Юрий Богатырёв
Юрий Богатырёв
Andrei Ivanovich Stoltz
Андрей Попов
Андрей Попов
Yelena Solovey
Yelena Solovey
Avangard Leontyev
Avangard Leontyev
Andrei Razumovsky
Andrei Razumovsky
Ilya as a child
Oleg Kozlov
Oleg Kozlov
Stoltz as a child
Yelena Kleshchevskaya
Yelena Kleshchevskaya
Katya (as Ye. Kleshchevskaya)
Galina Shostko
Galina Shostko
Olga's aunt (as G. Shostko)
Глеб Стриженов
Глеб Стриженов
The Baron (as G. Strizhenov)
Евгений Стеблов
Евгений Стеблов
Oblomov's father (as Ye. Steblov)
Елена Глушенко
Елена Глушенко
Oblomov's mother (as Ye. Glushenko)
Nikolai Pastukhov
Nikolai Pastukhov
Stoltz's father (as N. Pastukhov)
Олег Басилашвили
Олег Басилашвили
(as O. Basilashvili)
Руслан Ахметов
Руслан Ахметов
(as R. Akhmetov)

And 1 more...

Also Known As:

Neskolko dney iz zhizni I.I. Oblomova

2010-2024, My Movies Collection
Development: Webdados, Lda. | Hosting: ptAlojamento | Logo: Sérgio Alves | Movies data: themoviedb.org | TV Shows data: TheTVDB.com
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