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Ça brûle

Ça brûle (2006)

After falling off her horse, a teenage girl is rescued by a manly, older fireman with whom she falls in love with tragic consequences.

Genre: Drama

Country: France  

themoviedb.org: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/107852

IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0491253/

Director(s) / Writer(s):

Claire Simon
Claire Simon


Camille Varenne
Camille Varenne
Kader Mohamed
Kader Mohamed
Gilbert Melki
Gilbert Melki
Jean Susini
Marion Maintenay
Marion Maintenay


2010-2024, My Movies Collection
Development: Webdados, Lda. | Hosting: ptAlojamento | Logo: Sérgio Alves | Movies data: themoviedb.org | TV Shows data: TheTVDB.com
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