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Xpress Yourself

Xpress Yourself (2014)

Shot on location in Australia, Hawaii, Indonesia and Fiji by Simon 'Shagga' Saffigna, Xpress Yourself tracks Mick Fanning, Joel Parkinson, Kelly Slater, Jon Jon Florence, Jordy Smith, Kolohe Andino and Jack Freestone shredding their way through the 2013 ASP World Tour.

themoviedb.org: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/323827

IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3732044/

2010-2024, My Movies Collection
Development: Webdados, Lda. | Hosting: ptAlojamento | Logo: Sérgio Alves | Movies data: themoviedb.org | TV Shows data: TheTVDB.com
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