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B.O.B.'s Big Break

B.O.B.'s Big Break (2009)

Dr. Cockroach comes up with a brilliant plan to break themselves out of Area 52 – but to implement the plan, he has to trick B.O.B. into thinking it’s his birthday.

Genre: Comedy | Action | Adventure | Animation

Country: United States of America  

themoviedb.org: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/24884

IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1542599/

Director(s) / Writer(s):

Robert Porter
Robert Porter


Will Arnett
Will Arnett
The Missing Link
Hugh Laurie
Hugh Laurie
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.
Seth Rogen
Seth Rogen
Kiefer Sutherland
Kiefer Sutherland
General W.R. Monger
Mike Mitchell
Mike Mitchell
Invisible Man

Also Known As:

Большой отрыв БОБа

2010-2024, My Movies Collection
Development: Webdados, Lda. | Hosting: ptAlojamento | Logo: Sérgio Alves | Movies data: themoviedb.org | TV Shows data: TheTVDB.com
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